Who should attend?
We encourage attendance from those interested in taking a leadership role in their section. Attendees may be college students from freshmen to graduate students, professional leaders looking to expand their role within SWE or looking to share ideas with other sections in the region.

Is there a fee for registration?
Registration is free! Please sign up early to secure your spot because we're limited to 50 attendees to comply with room capacities at UC Berkeley.

I have a food allergy or special dietary requirement, can you accommodate my diet for lunch?
Yes, please specify your specific dietary requirement during registration. The ticketing will have a prompt that you can fill in with your specific need.

Can I register multiple people at once?
Yes, this year you can register up to 10 people using the group registration function in Eventbrite. Please have the first and last name, email address, dietary requirements, and the section of each attendee you are registering ready when you fill out the form.

Do I need to print my ticket?
No, please check in at the registration table. We will hand you the materials you need for the day at registration.

What should I wear?
The recommended summit outfit is business casual. Wear what makes you feel most comfortable and most powerful.

What should I bring?
Bring something to take notes. Bring your SWE or professional business cards. Bring more business cards than you think you’ll need!